We the members of Kashmir Freedom Movement (KFM) believe that, “ To oppress and do injustice to others is sin but to accept the life of oppression and injustice is an even greater sin”.
Kashmir Freedom Movement exists to empower and lead the people in their struggle for peace, social justice, freedom and re-unification of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
The people of the State of Jammu & Kashmir once an independent and sovereign nation have been subjected to oppression, subjugation and forced division since 27 October 1947.
We the members of KFM and citizens of J&K find the continued forced occupation of our country totally unacceptable. We seek to regain our sovereignty and independence and re-establish our status as a nation state in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations (U.N) so that we can live in peace and harmony within the community of nations.
We the members of KFM want to declare for the whole world to know that:
1 Jammu Kashmir belongs to all who live in it without distinction of colour, caste, creed, region or religion.
2 It is not a territorial dispute between India and Pakistan but is a question of the right of self-determination of 14 million people of the State.
3 India and Pakistan should withdraw simultaneously all their military, para-military, and other forces from Jammu Kashmir.
4 All human rights violations at the hands of armed forces and their backed militants must end now.
5 The freedom of speech and movement of civilians, political and humanitarian’s workers should be allowed through out Jammu Kashmir without any restriction with immediate effect.
6 United Nations should facilitate in holding free and fair elections for the establishment of a people representative Council comprising of members from all regions and political ideals. This council would represent and negotiate on the final settlement of Jammu Kashmir dispute with India and Pakistan.
7 International community should facilitate a peace process to help all the legitimate stakeholders to agree a timescale for a free and fair plebiscite through which Kashmiris will determine their national status by exercising their universally recognized unconditional Right of self-determination.
We appeal to all the freedom loving conscientious and humanist nations, individuals, and organizations to support Kashmir Freedom Movement (KFM) aims and objectives and help us in achieving our mission: peace, social justice and freedom.