Jammu Kashmir National Independence Alliance (JKNIA) calls upon Prime Minister of Pakistan to accept Awami Action Committee Gilgit Baltistan Charter of Demand. A representative delegation of Kashmiri Diaspora organisations lead by Mahmmod Kashmiri – Chairman JKNIA has delivered a memorandum to the Counsel General of Pakistan in Bradford.
The joint memorandum signed by the leaders of the Alliance Mahmood Kashmiri – Chairman JKNIA, Ghulam Hussain (KFM), Ershad Malik (JKDFP), Mirza Siddique (JKPF), Nadeem Aslam (JKNIA), Younas Taryabi (KWA), Sardar Amjad Yousaf (UKPNP) and Kh. Mushtaq Hussain (JKNLC) states: “Jammu Kashmir National Independence Alliance (JKNIA), and members of civil society and human rights activists in UK and Europe extend complete support and solidarity with the people of Gilgit Baltistan and fully endorse the ‘Charter of demand’ by Awami Action Committee Gilgit Baltistan (AACGB).”
The Kashmiri diaspora community in United Kingdom and Europe deplore the arrogant attitude of Pakistani establishment by ignoring the just demands presented in the “Charter of Demand” by AACGB. The people of Gilgit Baltisan from every nock and corner of the region are peacefully participating in protest sit in (Dharna) since 15 April 2014 but there is no sign of considerate response from your government.
Mehmood Kashmir said: “We are disappointed to observe and note colonial practices employed by your administration towards the people of Gilgit Baltistan. In our view the Government of Pakistan is failing to discharge its responsibilities under UN Security Council and UNCIP resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir in general and with regards to Gilgit Baltistan and AJK in particular.”
The memorandum further states: “You cannot and will not be able to hide your negligence and violations of civil and political rights of the people of Gilgit Baltistan. The International community and European Union in particular has urged Pakistan to revisit its policies viz-a-viz Gilgit Baltistan and AJK, See EU Committee on Foreign Affairs Report (A6-0158/2007) – Kashmir: Present Situation and Future Prospects.”
The leaders of JKNIA stressed that the people of Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir consider the existing governance arrangements under the Karachi Agreement of 28 April 1949 between our region and Pakistan as draconian colonial mechanism of subjugation and control. We unequivocally reject and oppose the terms and conditions of Karachi Agreement agreed under duress and imposed upon our people by Pakistan.
Ghulam Hussain, President Kashmir Freedom Movement (KFM) said: “We want to convey our deepest anguish and we unequivocally condemn the lack of sensitivity and prudence shown by the Government of Pakistan thus far in response to the ‘Charter of Demand’ by AACGB.”
JKNIA demanded immediate intervention from Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Mohammed Nawaz Sharif and urged him to,
- Accept the Awami Action Committee Gilgit Baltistan “Charter of Demand” in its entirety without any further delay.
- Respect and implement UN mechanism as recommended in UN Security Council and UNCIP resolutions in its letter and spirit in Gilgit Baltitan.
- Meaningfully engage in dialogue with the independent representative of the people of Gilgit Baltsan and Azad Jammu Kashmir to re-negotiate the Governance arrangements’ for interim period to establish equitable relations between Government of Pakistan and the constitute assemblies and governments in both regions of the semi-autonomous liberated territories of the former State of Jammu and Kashmir.
The memorandum further states: “Your positive actions will determine your intentions and you have to demonstrate whether your government and Pakistan as a nation justify to be considered as one of the Islamic democratic countries and responsible member of world community in the world by the people of civilised and democratic world.
We are looking forward to see your positive action in protecting right to life, liberty and security of persons in Gilgit Baltistan, and recognition of the democratic and decentralised system of Governance by fully accepting the Charter of Demand of “Awami Action Committee” as a first step.”